The sole purpose of this website is to be useful for people learning string theory.
No moderation of content should be necessary. However, offensive comments will be removed. For example "This review of string theory doesn't mention the important topic of conformal field theory" is preferable to "This review is rubbish".
Copyright and Licensing
Unless otherwise stated the content in the String Theory Wiki is in the public domain. This means that:
- You are free to use this work for any commercial or non-commercial purpose.
- You are free to alter, transform, or build upon this work.
- You are free to distribute, display, and perform this work.
- You are free to copy this work.
- You are free to publish this work in print or electronically.
- No further permission is needed to do any of the above things.
If you would like to retain copyright over material you add to this website, please consider releasing it under a liberal copyleft license, such as the GNU Free Documentation License.
Future directions
- Hosting content that is not suitable for the arXiv but still useful.
- Forums.
- Information about postdocs.
- A place for people to post interesting projects which they don't have time to do themselves or with which they need help.
Please contact Tom if you have any further suggestions or would like to help.
The cost of the hosting for this site runs at £5 a month in UK pounds sterling and may increase. We would also like to put out bounties for particular features. If you would like to donate then please contact Tom.
We thank:
- Alberto Guijosa Hidalgo, on whose list of reviews this website is based.
- George Cox for hosting the wiki and setting up the software.
- Stefan Fredenhagen for incorporating his list of string schools and conferences.
- Bill Spence for his support and encouragement.
- All those who have written reviews.
Suggestions and comments
Contact Tom.